Saturday, September 27, 2008

Echoes of Grace!

Jesus Christ is your friend, your Counsellor, your Master Intercessor and He loves you dearly. Share the love you have been so freely given with others. Do not fight it, don't try to define it nor orchestrate it in your own strength.

It is what it is! His love for you, whether you believe it or not is pure, authentic and simply fantastic.
It is simply part of the benefit of salvation as you accept Him as your Lord and Savior. An absolute relevant package in your journey of life. Open your precious package by saying yes Lord, I receive of your Grace and simply walk and talk the benefit of healing for your Soul and from any emotional hurt from your past or present.

Receive of His loving embrace. His relentless pursuit of you is being echoed in the Heavens. There are echoes of Grace, Grace, Grace, resounding in the Heavens and your name is being called! Be quiet and still ~ listen to songs of liberation on your behalf.

You are being celebrated! Your life is meaningful, your presence on earth is substantial. You are a champion! He who created you ~ created you in His own image. Difficult to believe, I know, but if you simply trust in the Creator of the universe, who is ready to reveal Himself to you ~ You will see that your life is simply special!

Do not try to intellectualize it nor analyze it, simply trust and obey!! I declare illumination of the love of Jesus Christ to be made prevalent in your daily affairs. Hear the sound of echoes of divine grace ~ you are being called out ~ an alignment with divine ordination! It is a resounding power of an awakened Soul. You are being celebrated.

Walk into your Spiritual destiny ~ which is your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your life, my friend is being celebrated. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Embrace your divine grace for it is time for your life to be revealed! An enforcement of the Hand of the Master on you ~ to reveal His love for you.

Echoes of Grace ~ You are truly loved!
Live & love in His light,

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